
New Canaan Child Relocation Lawyer
One of the most difficult issues facing any family is the possible relocation of one parent and/or the children and its effect on custody, parenting time and child support. When a noncustodial parent relocates, adjustments generally need to be made to the parenting and visitation plan. When one parent wishes to relocate with the children away from the other parent, there are often no easy answers. While there are guidelines that must be analyzed in determining whether or not to permit the relocation of the children, an attorney experienced in these cases is critical to achieving the result you are seeking, as each case presents its own unique facts.
Relocation and child custody and visitation modifications can be especially difficult. My representation can provide the arguments and practical reasoning for your case to be resolved positively. Often, both parents have very good reasons behind their arguments. I will help you make informed decisions through every step of the process and be your staunch advocate.
Whether representing a parent who wishes to relocate with the children or representing a parent who does not want the children to relocate, a full understanding of the law and experience in handling these types of cases is vital. My 40 years of experience handling Connecticut relocation cases will ensure that your interests are vigorously and skillfully represented.
In addition, I have been trained by the Quinnipiac University School of Law in conjunction with the Connecticut Judicial Department to protect the interests of children in divorce cases. This training includes extensive review of child development and negotiation techniques. It provides me with additional skills to assist you in achieving positive results in relocation matters.
Contact me by email, or call me at 203-883-4506 to schedule a free initial consultation. I serve the legal needs of clients from Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania in related practice areas of family law regarding Connecticut matters.