When your Connecticut marriage ends, you may have hopes of pursuing alimony as a way of maintaining the same quality of life you have come to enjoy during your marriage. On the flip side, if you are the main breadwinner in your marriage, you may wonder whether you are...
In Connecticut, divorcing spouses typically receive an equitable share of the marital estate. Therefore, while you may not end up with exactly half of everything you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse own, you should have enough to begin your post-divorce financial life. ...
In a long-lasting marriage, the red flags of divorce can be hard to notice. After spending years together with a spouse, couples can start running through the motions of being in a relationship drift past things that need serious attention. Missing these critical...
Divorce almost always causes emotions between the spouses to run high. As a result, one spouse may be tempted to leave the family home. If you are currently in a situation that makes leaving more appealing than staying, you may want to carefully weigh the pros and...
Unwed fathers in Connecticut have a big choice ahead. Should you establish paternity and make it official on a legal level? Fathers have different reasons for the choices they make. Today we will look at some of the pros and cons to legally establishing paternity....
When tackling a divorce, you might worry that some of your top priorities might get swept under the rug. For instance, balancing your future financial independence might conflict with fairness toward your spouse and his or her own financial future. Tackling child...
One of the important tasks that occur during a divorce is separating property. During the marriage, you likely accumulated some valuable property together, which you must now figure out how to divide. There is some misunderstanding about how this process works,...
Divorce is often assumed to be a very stressful process, but this is not the case in all instances. There are certain divorces that seem to write themselves, and thus cause less stress. Of course, if you have a very acrimonious relationship with your ex-spouse, it is...
For many people in Stamford, divorce is not something they are seeking and only viewed as an option of last resort. At the same time, however, there are also some who are suffering domestic violence at the hands of their spouses for whom divorce may be their only...
No matter the events, actions or feelings that led to divorce, you likely have a storm of thoughts and emotions swirling through you. You may not know how to navigate this mental minefield. Have you considered seeking the help of a therapist? To help you better...