Family Law Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Family law and divorce are some of the most sensitive and emotionally challenging areas of the law. Whether you are simply drafting a prenuptial agreement or are filing for divorce, you may have many questions about your case.
My law firm, the Law Office Of Robert A. Skovgaard, has helped Connecticut family clients for over 40 years and can offer the experienced and compassionate counsel you need to overcome these challenges. Below are answers to some of the most common questions I hear at my Stamford law office.
How Long Does A Divorce Take?
Every divorce is as unique as the people involved in them. A simple, uncontested divorce may take as little as a few months to resolve. On the other hand, a contentious and complex divorce may take over a year. The duration of your divorce depends on the complexity of your case and the reasonableness of the parties — if each party agrees to the terms, how many assets are involved, how many children you have and so on. To get a better estimate, contact my office to discuss your individual case.
How Are Property And Assets Divided During A Divorce?
Connecticut follows rules regarding the equitable division of marital assets. This does not necessarily mean an equal distribution — rather, the courts will divide assets in the fairest way possible. Among a number of factors to be considered, for example, is if one spouse contributed more to the acquisition of these assets than the other or was responsible for the increase in the value of those assets. In these cases, they may be entitled to more of the assets at the end of the marriage. Additionally, factors such as the child custody and visitation arrangement may impact the division of assets.
Can I Get Sole Custody Of My Child?
Connecticut law favors joint legal custody over sole custody. The goal is often to ensure that the divorce has little to no negative impact on the child, which often means you must continue co-parenting after the divorce is finalized. In some cases, such as instances involving domestic violence or drug abuse, sole custody may be awarded. My goal as a family lawyer is to advocate for a resolution that is best for your child.
What Happens To Custody And Visitation If I Need To Relocate?
Depending on how far you move, you may need to modify your custody and visitation agreement to accommodate the change. Visit the Relocation page, and reach out to my firm to discuss your unique relocation situation.
If My Ex Gets A Substantial Raise, Can I Get More Alimony?
While Connecticut family courts allow you to modify your alimony terms post-judgment, you have to show that there is a substantial change in circumstances from when the divorce occurred. The sole fact that your former spouse makes more now is not enough to justify a modification — you also have to show that other circumstances have changed, and that you need higher payments to continue the same standard of living.
Contact my firm to discuss your unique situations, and I will give honest legal advice as to your chances at securing more alimony.
Have More Questions? Get A Free Consultation!
Family law is complicated. With a free initial consultation, you get the chance to walk through your situation with an experienced attorney and ask any questions that are unique to your case. I always offer sound and actionable legal advice and never stretch the truth just to gain your business. Call my office at 203-883-4506 to get started.