The state of Connecticut has laws providing grandparents with the opportunity to apply for a special relief to see their grandchildren. A special sort of custody and visitation, called grandparents’ rights, provides a legal avenue for grandparents wishing to establish the legal right to be an active part of their grandchildren’s lives. Recently, one family finds themselves battling before the Supreme Court over the issue.
A lower court previously granted grandparent’s rights after determining that the child had a meaningful relationship with his grandparents. The judge felt it would be detrimental to the child if the parents of the child prevented further visitation. The child’s father, however, wishes to take the matter to a higher court.
He feels that, during the visits with the grandparents, the child is also allowed to have a relationship with an aunt — a relationship of which he does not approve. He says that the grandparents’ visitation is directly affecting his right to raise his child as he sees fit, as he is guaranteed by law. He wants the court to overturn the ruling and end the order establishing grandparents’ rights.
Matters of child custody and visitation may seem as if they are tearing a family apart. When adults find themselves at odds over what is best for a child, the matter may wind up in court. If a Connecticut parent or grandparent is interested in learning more about their rights, they may do well to contact an experienced attorney. An attorney may be able to explain the options and advise a concerned parent or grandparent how best to proceed.