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Domestic violence resources available in Connecticut

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2017 | Domestic Violence |

As the weather turns cold, many shelters throughout Connecticut are preparing for an influx of residents. Many assume the homeless that frequent the shelters suffer from alcohol or drug abuse. What many fail to realize is that most who turn up at the shelter in need of a warm bed and food are women and children who are victims of domestic violence.

Statistically speaking, one in four women will be a victim of domestic violence at some point in their lives. And men who suffer domestic abuse are increasing the numbers as well. As many who find themselves in an abusive relationship look for a way out, the road can be hard and lined with many hurdles. The lack of access to resources, even when on paper the family appears to have wealth, can be problematic for those trying to flee an abusive partner and start a new life. Without help to clear the hurdles, many will return to their abusers.

Even with the resources available through the community for victims of domestic abuse, more is needed. Housing and immediate financial assistance for the day-to-day living expenses makes the top of the list. Programs that include counseling for the victims and their children are also in high demand.

When a victim of domestic violence makes the decision to leave the abusive situation and seek help, Connecticut has many community resources available. A family law attorney can also help to guide the victim in legal matters. Such a lawyer can offer assistance obtaining a restraining order, if needed, and provide sound legal advice and representation regarding all aspects of divorce and child custody.

Source:, “The homelessness and domestic violence connection”, Debra Greenwood, Dec. 4, 2017