For many people in Connecticut who divorce after a new year arrives, the onset of summer is truly like a breath of fresh air. Especially if they are custodial parents, they look forward to traveling with their children, building new and lasting memories and supporting each other as they adapt to their post-divorce lifestyles. Hopefully, communication with former spouses is amicable, as that tends to make everything child-related much easier. However, when child custody or visitation disagreements arise, summer fun might be put on hold. Overcoming such obstacles is often possible, if you know where to turn in a pinch for appropriate support.
There’s no set law in this or any other state saying a divorced parent cannot travel with his or her children, unless of course there are extenuating circumstances that prompt the court to issue such an order. Generally speaking, many people include stipulations regarding summer and/or holiday travel in their custody agreements; others simply act respectfully to notify the other when planning to take children on vacation, then seek the court’s approval of their plans when necessary. Problems can occur when one parent opposes the other parent’s travel plans.
In such situations, it often helps to enlist the aid of a skilled negotiator to try to iron out wrinkles and work through differences so everyone involved is satisfied. Of course, you always retain parental rights, and your former spouse cannot negate that fact. An experienced family law attorney can quickly determine which forms of action best suit a particular situation, including whether it’s best to return to court to resolve an issue. Some matters, such as if your children’s other parent takes them overseas and refuses to return at the agreed upon time, may call for aggressive litigation.
The Law Office of Robert A. Skovgaard, in Connecticut, provides sound counsel and guidance to parents throughout the state facing difficult child custody or visitations problems. Summer only lasts a few months. You obviously want to make the most of the time you and your children have together. By calling our office to request a meeting, we can take the first steps toward helping you achieve your summer goals and make sure no one violates your parental rights in any way. With experienced representation on your side, no child-related issue in divorce should be insurmountable.