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Children and divorce in Connecticut

On Behalf of | Jul 28, 2016 | Domestic Violence |

Years ago, the typical family consisted of mom, dad and the children. Happy or unhappy, peaceful or arguing, this was the norm. Today’s Connecticut family looks very different. As a result of the increase in divorce over the years, there really is no average family. However, almost all families with children have one thing in common – children who desire to be loved and who want to spend time with their parents.

One of the main things that children caught up in divorce express is their desire for peace. It is all too easy for parents’ arguments to become the central focus. Many times, when couples are unable to reach agreements among themselves, it is helpful to allow their representatives to work through the details and negotiate a solution. This can minimize the stress on both the adults and the children.

Another item of concern that children have expressed is their need for clarity. They want to know where they will be living and with whom they will be living. Furthermore, they want to know where they will be on their birthday and important holidays. The particulars of each custody arrangement are unique to each family with some sharing custody and others maintaining sole custody. Specific custody arrangements will need to be detailed in the final legal documents.

While each Connecticut family is different, they do have some similarities when it comes to children and divorce. This situation can leave children feeling confused and uncertain of how they should react toward each parent. However, experienced legal representation can negotiate and work through the details, leaving mom and dad to be mom and dad in the children’s eyes.

Source:, “What Children of Divorce Want From Parents”, Laura Lifshitz, July 15, 2016