According to many experts, December and the holiday season in general represents the “calm before the storm;” that is to say, the onset of divorce season. It should come as no surprise to Connecticut residents that couples on the verge of divorce, especially those with children, tend to wait until after the holiday season is over to file. However, this sometimes delays the process several months as couples recoup their costs.
This makes March the official “divorce month” for many attorneys. Often, couples choose to take the first three months of the new year to recover financially from the holidays and also to arrange representation for themselves in advance of a divorce. However, this extended time sometimes has the effect of making a bad situation worse.
Some observers have noted that the stress of the holiday season can actually magnify existing problems in a marriage. This can lead to added strain on an already struggling relationship. Coupled with the financial stress of the season, the decision to wait until after the holidays to begin divorce proceedings might not always be the best option from a financial or personal perspective.
Obviously there is no one right way to conduct a divorce, as some Connecticut residents are already aware. However, it behooves both parties to approach a life-changing event of this magnitude with as much foreknowledge and preparation as possible. Divorce should be planned for, if possible, and this includes mapping out the time of year least likely to be disruptive to both parties and their children.
Source: Miami Herald, “Studies show couples wait until after holidays to divorce”, Tim Grant, Dec. 14, 2015