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Divorce hardest on young children, study says

On Behalf of | Jul 19, 2013 | Divorce |

A separation can be profoundly difficult on the parties involved, but a new study suggests it may be even more so for young children. Connecticut residents know how challenging the divorce process can be, and it stands to reason that young children without the ability to fully understand the process would have difficulty accepting the change in life. However, the study suggests that the damage may be limited in scope.

The study, conducted by a prominent medical journal, has polled thousands of Americans regarding their relationships with their parents. The study found those whose parents had divorced at a young age were more likely to feel “anxious or aloof” when dealing with parental units, especially the parent with whom they’d spent the least amount of time based on custody arrangements. This was true even of children who were too young to remember the actual divorce itself.

Thankfully, the study’s organizers concede, none of these issues can be proved to be causal. Adult children of divorce do not appear to have any more difficulties beginning or maintaining romantic relationships than those from two-parent families. Ultimately, it appears that children of all stripes are able to overcome emotionally challenging situations with more resilience than might otherwise have been expected.

Divorce is never easy on anyone involved, even less so when there are children involved. However, it is a fair statement that Connecticut parents only want the best for their children, so it is recommended that anyone facing divorce seek the most expedient route to filing and closing the case. This can help the whole family make the transition a little more easily.

Source:, “Divorce Hits Youngest Kids Hardest,” Tia Ghose, July 2, 2013